Friday, February 24, 2012

Sudden Obsession

I've always loved to draw, doodle, paint, and just create .. well, anything. But, for the past year, I've been focusing on writing and reading. I have my book blog, Realms of an Open Mind, which will be shutting down this week due to the fact that my hosting term has expired and I can't bring myself to pay for another year when there are free ways to blog. Veryyy tough decision.. but what's helped me through it is the fact that I've got this new fervor for art. I don't know exactly what happened... My pops gave me a gift card for art supplies for my birthday, and once I had that newly sharpened charcoal pencil in my hand, it was all I could think about. I'm not sure what, but something in my brain, heart, or soul ~ whichever you like ~ was triggered and I'm a drawing/painting fiend now. My only regret is that I have a day job that gets in the way (and is becoming more and more demanding), but I just see that as a challenge to work harder in order to get away from it ;).

So enough of my random rambling... If you'd like to visit my shop on  Etsy, please click here and just take a look. I'm working on my first acrylic, which came from a dream... yeah, that's how obsessed I've become ~ I'm even creating in my dreams...

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